Charting a just digital future
Just Digital Future was a project co-led by the Harvard Business School Digital and Race, Gender & Equity Initiatives that explores how some of our most often-used or still-emerging technologies entrench various forms of inequality — and also the possibilities tech holds for transforming unequal systems or mitigating their effects. The project features thinkers, makers, and activists from many walks of life all charting a course toward a digital world that works for everyone.
Project role
Communications director
Developed comms strategy and plan for project; created concept for “Slack chats,” social clips, and using a new tool to add community voices to the work; led email and social campaigns; guided creative for video interviews; spearheaded impact measuring: how we were shifting perspectives
Comms Plan
We wanted a hand-crafted look to reflect the journey we were on with our community to figure out how to build a just digital future.
Project trailer
Project PROMO article
Collection of project content
Call for community thoughts
Check out the tool: Dave’s VideoAsk & Colleen’s VideoAsk